Do I need to be very experienced in Yoga and Tantra to join the course?

It is necessary to be healthy, and it is beneficial to be physically fit as there is a daily amount of physical yoga practice. Nevertheless, Tantric Hatha-Kundalini Yoga it is a rather gentle Yoga style in comparison to some of the mainly physical ‘workout’ oriented styles that are taught today.

It’s great but not mandatory if you already have a consistent personal practice. In any case we require you bringing at least a bit of personal Yoga experience, and a very minimum of 12 classes of Hatha, Kundalini, Kriya, or similar Yoga styles.

After your application is accepted you will receive our TTC preparation toolkit, and we require you to complete this preliminary study before the course starts. Besides this no preparation or previous knowledge is required but it is advised to arrive with an open mind and heart. Further it is beneficial (but not mandatory) to read books from our recommended list.

You are welcome to join us to be certified as a teacher and you are equally welcome to attend as a way deepen your own practice.

Who is this training for?

This training is made for anybody who is open-minded and enthusiastic to go deeper on the path of Yoga and Tantra. It is designed for participants who are reasonably present, self-responsible and open to feedback, who commit to studying and supporting the group, who are mentally healthy and able to refrain from intoxicating substances for the duration of the course, and who are able to read, speak, and comprehend English with a satisfactory degree of fluency.

You are welcome as you are, regardless of your age, gender, sexual orientation, or marital status. Join if you wish to build up a consistent personal practice for yourself, join if you wish to become a certified Yoga teacher and help others on their way, and join if you feel called stepping into holding conscious sacred space for others to explore themselves.

How long is the training?

The main training runs for 28 days, beginning on Sunday afternoon and ending on Saturday afternoon. We recommend arriving a bit earlier to acclimatize, and staying a few days after for a gentle landing and for enjoying the fruits of the beautiful natural setting around our venues.

Additionally we require you to complete our preliminary preparatory study kit of around 15 hours. It consist of texts, audio and video tutorials that you can freely study whenever you have time, and it will be sent to you 2 months before the main course starts.

Furthermore 6 month of support is included in the course in which we meet in monthly scheduled webinars. It is not mandatory to attend, but it is a great opportunity for you to ask questions and receive tips and support while you get settled into the Yoga business.

What kind of certificate do I receive afterwards?

Our TTC program is Yoga Alliance certified. Upon successful graduation you will receive a RYT-200 Yoga Instructor Certificate which enables you to become a member of the renowned Yoga Alliance and benefit from being internationally recognized as a certified Yoga Instructor (for example for insurance reasons or for participating in further study programs).

Do I have to become a Yoga Teacher later?

It is not necessary to become a Yoga Teacher. Some students enrol for personal development. The tools learned during this program will enable you to deepen your Yoga practice and gain greater fulfillment in life.

Upon successful graduation of this program you will be qualified as a RYT 200 Tantra Yoga Teacher, which gives you the choice at any point to step into the teachers role. For some students it works well to start teaching right away, for others it may be more appealing to first practice and deepen more.

In any case, even after an intense program like ours, your ‘call’ and transmission as a teacher cannot be forced but will be naturally determined by the depth of your own practice and embodied understanding.

What is Tantra, what is Yoga, and what is Tantra Yoga?

Please see the ‘About Tantra Yoga’ Section of our website for details here

Am i required to get naked?

This training does not contain any nudity. You will not be asked to get naked during class or in front of the group.

Can I come alone or do I need to bring a partner?

You do not need a partner to participate in this program, and you are welcome to join regardless of any relationship status. This training is about you, your personal practice and transformation, your authenticity, your teaching abilities, and your capacity to hold space.

We will have exercises that involve connecting to other TTC participants. These exercises involve no nudity.

In any case you are very welcome to participate with your partner! Besides receiving our Partner and Friends Discount you both may find deeper understanding of each other, new routines and a shared practice. Transformation ‘together’ can be a deep experience and joining forces in a TTC may truly extend the effects of this program into your future.

What are Tantric Rituals?

We approach ‘rituals’ or ‘holding sacred ritual space’ a bit like cooking receipts. It requires preparation and clear intention, a bit of knowledge and experience, mixing the ingredients well and in a certain order for having a good and safe time, and for receiving a yummy result.

In other words, in a Tantric Ritual we create conscious space, with mutual consent and clear intentions. It has a defined beginning and end, and it is designed to help us deepen our experience in a safe environment with sharpened awareness and presence.

In our TTC you will experience ritual space with various contents, from contemplation and self awareness to exercises of a more active nature.