The purpose of our standards is to help teachers serve in their purest intentions and highest consciousness while respecting the vulnerable nature of students. To us, this is especially important in the field of Tantra as there seems to be a lot of confusion around sexuality and the ‘use’ of sexual energy. We wish for our facilitators and graduates to share these sacred teachings with the world in an ethical, harmonious way by creating a safe, uplifting environment for students to experience the authentic beauty and pure nature of Tantra Yoga. We take these points very seriously and teach according to our ethics and professional standards. Before graduation we ask students to make a pledge to apply the ethical guidelines to their future work.
Below are more details on important topics. You will find the complete list of “Our Ethics and Professional Standards” further down this page.
Nudity and Dress Code
As stated, this Tantra Yoga TTC does NOT contain any nudity. Our only dress code is during practicums (practice classes) where we invite student teachers to wear mainly white, as well as during a few selected Ritual Spaces in which we may invite to dress in a specific color. We may further ask students to dress in ways that respect the local customs (e.g. in Thailand to dress moderately in temple areas).
Sexuality, Sexual Relationships and Tantra
The Tantra Yoga TTC does NOT include any sexual interactions within the program, this means no sexual massage, penetrative or oral sex. We do not push participants into sexually relating with facilitators or other participants, and this course is no place to sexually harass your peers. In selected presentations in the training you will receive information on how to work with your sexual energy in a yogic way. This includes learning how to move sexual energy within your body as a way to awaken greater consciousness. We also include explanations how to bring tantric intimacy and inner alchemy into your sexual interactions with others. It is not required to practice any of this during or after the program. Should you choose to do so, we ask you to practice with awareness and always respect mutual consent. Further, for the duration of this Teachers Training Course NO facilitator will engage sexually with students. Please find all details on mutual consent, and on how we approach pre-existing relationships in our ethics below.
Power Imbalance and Manipulation
We are aware that the teacher-student relationship can create a power imbalance. This is why we ask our graduate teachers to consciously avoid any relationship with a student that is exploitive in any way. E.g. a teacher does not use the relationship with a student for personal gain or benefit. We encourage our students to be empowered in their choices, to have healthy boundaries and to practice consent. No participant shall feel obliged in the name of ‘Tantra Yoga Teachings’ to do anything against her or his free will. We are non-sectarian, and for our students we aim to encourage independence rather than dependence of any kind.
1.a – It is my responsibility to maintain a conscious and professional relationship with my students and fellow teachers at all times. I understand that the teacher-student relationship contains a power imbalance that must be treated with care.
1.b – I recognize the implicit trust placed in me by my students, and I consciously will avoid using the teacher-student relationship in an exploitive way for any personal gain or benefit. (N.B. It is not considered exploitive to receive an agreed payment for my work)
2.a – I recognize and communicate the importance of mutual consent & healthy boundary setting in all my interactions with students, especially when it comes to touch. At no time will I force or manipulate a student to participate in activities, events, or exercises against his or her free will. I respect and honor human, civil, and sexual rights.
2.b – I treat all communication with my students with respect and confidentiality. I show sensitivity regarding the moral, social, and religious standards of my students, and I will not advise a student to act against the advice of his or her healthcare provider.
2.c – I will not engage in any abusive words or actions, in discrimination, harassment, or coercion of students or former students.
3.a – I understand that all forms of sexual involvement with my students contains an enormous challenge for the sanity of our teacher-student relationship as well as for the purity of the Tantra Yoga teachings. I may even negatively influence the evolution and self-experience of my students without being aware of it.
3.b – I consciously avoid any overt and covert seductive speech, gestures, and actions towards my students at any time, and I refrain from inviting any form of sexual engagement with students. This also includes answering to possible invitations coming from a student. I will never abuse my teacher-student-relationship to seek fulfilling own personal erotic needs through my students.
3.c – Should I still choose to explore sexual intimacy with a student, I will stop teaching that person until a clear consent from both parties is provided. I make sure that this choice is done with upmost sensitivity, mutual consent and awareness to separate the teacher-student dynamic from our private intimate life.
3.d – These standards do not apply to intimate relationships that were in effect before a teacher-student-relationship began (e.g. if i was already in a relationship and my partner wants to attend my courses). In such cases I only agree to accept my partner as my student as long as we mutually consent to separate our teacher-student and our private intimate private life.
4.a – I understand that I am the vehicle for the teachings but never their source. I avoid imposing my personal beliefs on my students, and I strive to strengthen my student’s independent connection to the teachings and to his/her own Self, rather than to my personality.
5.a – I understand that I can only transmit to others what I practice and embody myself. As a Tantra Yoga teacher I am responsible to uphold the quality, integrity and sacredness of the teachings from this TTC program.
5.b – Besides necessary variations and adaptations to accommodate the level or limitations of my students I will not change the techniques, ritual elements, and other content taught to me in this TTC program.
5.c – I accurately and truthfully represent my skills and professional qualifications to others. Especially when advertising my services I refrain from exaggerating or misinterpreting the benefits of Tantra Yoga or of my own level of practice and attainment.
6.a – As long as I aim teaching Tantra Yoga I commit to maintain a regular self-practice according to what was taught to me in this Tantra Yoga TTC. Further I aim to continuously improve my professional knowledge and skills.
6.b – I understand that I actively teach by being a living example of Yoga within my community and peers, and that teaching Tantra Yoga doesn’t stop at the end of a class or when stepping from my Yoga mat. At all times I strive to represent the integrity of the teachings in my behaviour.
6.c – As long as I teach this form of Tantra Yoga, I commit to apply the basic rules of the Yamas and Niyamas to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I agree to refrain from a frequent or regular use of any mind-altering or intoxicating substances such as tobacco, alcohol, or recreational drugs. Further, honouring the Yogic traditions, I aim to eat a predominantly vegetarian based diet.
7.a – I wish to respect and support the diversity of Tantra Yoga teachings for the benefit of all. I speak and act respectfully towards this school and the teachers from it along with teachers from other Tantra Yoga traditions. I consciously avoid gossip and negative or abusive communication or action, and I will not knowingly solicit others teacher’s students.
7.b – As long as I strive to teach Tantra Yoga as taught in this TTC program I commit to apply these professional and ethical standards to my best knowledge and with my purest intentions. If severe difficulties arise in regards with this commitment I will seek advice and support from the facilitators of this program.